Part II: Lauren's New Hair

10:22 PM Posted by Natalie

I finally took Lauren for a hair cut yesterday. She's been needing one for a little while now, I just wasn't sure what to do with it since she decided to give herself a half mullet back in December. It's growing out, but slowly. So I told the gal I wanted to give her a chin-length bob to try to even things up. When she started cutting the back, I was like, "Oooo, I didn't realize it was going to be that short." Eek! But, I really love the way it turned out. Finally having a little girl to play with, I was all about doing the long hair thing, but she has very fine, straight hair, just like her mommy, and hers was looking a little scraggly and unruly. The short cut makes it look a lot thicker. I ran my flat iron through her hair to turn it under and parted it to the side with a cute little clip, which helps cover for the part that's still short. (I think I'm going to be making a lot of those now!) Here she is:


  1. Proud Parents of Halainah Grace said...

    Absolutely adorable Nat. I love Lauren's new haircut. She is just too cute :)


  2. Proud Parents of Halainah Grace said...

    Nat, Lauren's haircut is so stinkin adorable. I wish Halainah had more than just a few sprouts and looked as full and radiant as Lauren's!


  3. cbdkndmom said...

    Oh how cute! Gee, think pictures of Lauren will convince KK to cut her hair short like that? She has the exact same hair. I'll have to see if it works.

  4. Over The Top Aprons said...

    She is just too, too, cute! How could she do any wrong?

  5. Corrie at "Cents"able Momma said...

    How cute!

  6. Angie Vinez said...

    Oh my gosh!! I love her hair!!! She looks so grown up!!

    Where did our baby girls go? I can't believe they're both going to be THREE this year. It's just crazy!