I Hate Being Sick

9:58 PM Posted by Natalie

Monday night I felt it coming on. But I thought it was just that tell-tale sign I always get before a cold. Then I sat on the couch to watch a little tube and got SO cold, and I just couldn't get warm. I knew something was up. I went to bed in my sweatshirt and pants. I know I was running a fever, woke up at a little after 5 feeling awful. My head and throat were throbbing. When Shaun got up to take the boys to school, I asked him to bring me some Tylenol and I stayed in bed until 10:45. I'm glad he's been on the afternoon shift! I have kept it manageable with Tylenol, but still felt bad when I woke up this morning. I THINK I may be on the down slope of this thing, at least I sure hope so. If I wake up feeling as bad tomorrow, I'm going to head to Urgent Care and see if I can find out what's up. We're supposed to have a house full of 10-year-old boys Friday night and this has GOT to go. Taking care of 4 young children when all you want to do is lay down is hard enough. I'm not one who wants antibiotics for everything, but I can't even remember the last time I took one, and if I could get one at least I'd know that I'd probably be feeling better by Friday. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that this is going away!


  1. cbdkndmom said...

    Feel better Nat. Being sick is so not fun when you have kids. Just remember, feel free to remind them that when the Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy.

  2. Corrie at "Cents"able Momma said...

    I hope you feel better soon! Too bad moms can't call in sick :-).

  3. Proud Parents of Halainah Grace said...

    Oh Nat, I am so sorry to hear that you have fallen ill. I went thru the same thing a few weeks ago. I was shivering uncontrollably and knew I had a fever.

    I tried something new this time to help me get over the cold faster. I poured a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) into my ears one at a time. I let the solution sit there for 10 minutes an ear.

    The next day I felt 60 percent better. I repeated the process and the following day I felt 80 percent better.

    It may just be a coincidence, but there is much info around the net to be found on the uses of Hydrogen Peroxide :)

    Feel better and get mucho rest :)

  4. Natalie said...

    Wow, now that's an interesting tidbit! Sometimes the strangest sounding things are the things that actually work! It seems I was right...I seem to be moving into the cold phase of this thing. My throat was still sore when I woke up this morning, but not nearly as bad and Tylenol has taken care of that. No more headache, either. My ears are a bit stuffy and I'm probably going to end up with a stuffy nose, but I can handle that. I knew with all the kids having colds it was only a matter of time. I get several a year anyway. I've been wanting to give Zycam a try to see if it actually shortens a cold. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Proud Parents of Halainah Grace said...

    Nat, just make sure if you try that the Peroxide is 3%. Most household bottles are, but you can not be too careful.
