
11:42 PM Posted by Natalie

Okay, so this is why I sometimes hate change. My dear friend Angie did everything she could to get my stupid Entrecard widget on the right sidebar of my blog, but to no avail. So, I did the only other thing their site suggested, which I dreaded. I deleted the other widgets, put the Entrecard one up, then started to add the others back in. As you can see, the Entrecard widget is there on the right side. Yay for me! But, now I am having spacing issues with all my other buttons. Sometimes there is no space, even when there should be, and sometimes there is 2 spaces when there should only be one. Some won't center. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am particular about symmetry and spacing and that kind of thing. This will drive me NUTS if I can't get it right. But, I'm tired of doing this, my butt is getting numb, and I need my late night snack. So, again, please pardon the mess. Right now, I just don't care!


  1. cbdkndmom said...

    Oh Nat. I'm sure it will drive you batty, but some things you just have to let go (says the perfectionist). LOL

  2. Angie Vinez said...

    ROFL! Oh, Nat... sometimes blogger sucks. This would be one of the reasons why. I'm wishing now that I had gone with wordpress for my personal blog. It's so much better.

    I hope you figure it out!